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Welcome Participant to Cultural Awareness Training Online

Account User ID

Welcome ,

Thank you for undertaking the CATonline Cultural Awareness Training program. We hope you find the information informative, educational and helps to further your cultural competency journey.

Please read the Instruction PDF sent from your training supervisor prior to commencing this course to ensure your training is enjoyable and trouble free.

My Profile

Before commencing your CATonline training you must complete the profile section. The information required in this section is mandatory for the auditing compliance purposes and for your Certificate of Competency to be issued on successful completion of the training.

Click on the ‘My Profile’ button below to access the profile page. Once you have filled in the required fields you can click on the ‘Submit’ tab located at the bottom of the profile page and you will be ready to commence your training.

Issuing of Certificate

Once you have successfully completed the CATonline training your profile data and course results will be audited & verified.
You will see a link on the the final completion and congratulations page to download and print your certificate if required.
Your certificate can also be downloaded from the MY PROFILE page at any time after completing the course.
Click on MY PROFILE to access your certificate.


Training Progress

You can do the training at your own pace, you do not have to complete the training in one session.

If you want to stop at any time, make sure you have completed the current module. You can logout and return to your training at any time and your progress will be maintained. You can re commence the training from where you last finished.

Current Status

You can now continue where you last left by clicking on RESUME CATONLINE below.